Saturday, July 7, 2012

"The tax man cometh to police you on health care."

They'd better pack their friggin' lunches.


Anonymous said...

The solution to this is simple.

We have the house majority - defund the IRS. Leave them only 2011 level funds.

Anonymous said...

I thought they all looked like the character " Smith " in the Matrix.Oh well, some more of that hope and change here in the land of the fee and the home of the slave.

Mt Top Patriot said...

I imagine there's going to be some folks who might take exception to irs gun barrel revenue collection procedures.
They might want to purchase headstones too.

Straycat said...

Just remember what we did to the Viet cong tax collectors.......just sayin.

Anonymous said...

16,000 "enforcers" won't be nearly enough. Their SBR Remington shotty's they received will make nice trades. The 2 biggest mistakes the liberal fascists made when promoting their power/control mandated healthcare lie was:

a)over HALF the U.S. population doesn't want this

b)should have banned guns when you had a chance (slim chance too)

Would be a shame if a patriot obtained or put together a directory of all IRS employees with their names, addresses, etc for dissemination on the web.
Mighty big shame.

Anonymous said...

Heads shots and groin shots. Bring it.

Anonymous said...

No need for them to pack a lunch more like a snack. The right 100 heads and this thing will be over quick. Can't wait to see Obama waving a white flag saying I never thought it could come to this.

stumpy said...

Amen to that Brother

Anonymous said...

Wormwood and gall fillings perhaps may be appropriate?

h said...

The Problem: IRS, CPA, MBA.
The Solution: AP, API, APIT?

Just askin.

Mt Top Patriot said...

Dear Mike,
Here are a few links to some 1st rate pieces figure you might find of interest.
Hope you and your loved ones are doing well. God bless you.

Fast and Furious, an Obama administration conventional-weapons proliferation program:

In 5 or 10 years you have 30,000 drones in the airspace... Each one of these could be a potential missile used against us:

The Economics of Planned Global Failure:

Morris reports that Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton plan on signing the the Small Arms treaty in NYC on July 27, in another of the regime’s “under the radar” gun-grabbing schemes:

Anonymous said...

Quote"They better pack a lunch"

They don't need to Mike. They'll simply deduct it from what ever tax return you have coming..if any.

"The law, however, severely limits the ability of the IRS to collect the penalties. There are no civil or criminal penalties for refusing to pay it and the IRS cannot seize bank accounts or dock wages to collect it. No interest accumulates for unpaid penalties."

But they'll damn well try to scare every one into compliance...which you know of course, works on most 'merican citizens. I mean, they're already "terrorized" enough by all them women and children terrorists that we blow to smitherines via know..those civilians that are "probably up to no good..."(sayth our King Obambardier) So what's a little more terror..from the 'merican IRS terrorists, hmmm?. Hell, once they deploy 30-40k domestic drones..crap, 'merica'll be so terrorized they won't come outta their home! Heck, I'd bet they'll use the drones to deliver their "scary letters"..or those scumbag jack-booted IRS thugs in the picture...and I DO mean SCUMBAG.
What's so incredibly ironic is the fact that the US Cartel will spend $881 million to administer this fear..BEFORE the damn law even goes into effect. Just think how many poor people could have had health insurance paid for with this...but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... our TERMINALLY DON'T GET IT..cartel would rather spend it to scare the bejezus outta the masses than really help them..I mean this has to go down as one of the GREAT MOMENTS IN I mention the BIG BANG OF STUPIDITY? I mean..I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid, so stupid it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid... trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. The US Gov emits more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I'm sorry. I can't go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me.

Anonymous said...

In 5 or 10 years you have 30,000 drones in the airspace... Each one of these could be a potential missile used against us:

Drones can be shot down, just saying.


Anonymous said...

Who knows maybe they will meet Mr. Clay Moore. Just thinking out loud.

Anonymous said...

Political discussion for all intents and purposes is over after the Rubicon was crossed by a rogue court who violated their oaths. Political solution is OVER. Years of slow boil and a complete coup with the undocumented usurping fraud and equally foreign born McCain in 2008 is apparent for anyone who doesn't have their head up their posterior vent. The descent into tyranny will move much faster now. What's coming and what's necessary to remedy the RULE OF LAW and CONSTITUTION is inevitable as the next storm. Ctrl-alt-del. No U.S. citizen will have the option of doing nothing and be left alone per court edict. Never mind living as once before free without contact to any government entity without obligations. Because now you will be taxed for simply BEING. You are under mandate from birth. There is no middle ground here. You will either be a ward of the state and follow it's directives or a rebel (later, a terrorist). The ruling class lust for dominion over every humans life and endeavor doesn't believe in your neutrality. Not satisfied with controlling everything you do, now they want control of everything you don't do. Ruling class tyrants require submission, demand you applaud your slavery and sickly believe you don't even have a right to LIVE. In their corrupt illusion, they deem themselves gods, playacting as such their power control games..but they ultimately fear their own mortality.

Anonymous said...

As in investment for future activities was thinking the Russian PKM, 7.62x54r, available in semi-auto from Indiana maker:

But looks like the Zero administration DOJ banned the importation of "non-sporting barrels"? so no more kits.
More gun control "under the radar" as Zero is quoted saying to the gun control gimp James Brady. Kinda like Fast and Furious scandal, huh?

Toastrider said...

You'd be surprised how many IRS employees are unenthused about this idea.

And because of the beating they took back in the 90's (whether it was political theater or there really was a pattern of misbehavior), the IRS is already underfunded and understaffed, yet Congress insists they pick up the tab for their spending.

You would not believe what these people say about Little Timmy Geithner, either :)