Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Truth about Fortune Magazine's 'The Truth about the Fast and Furious Scandal'

A good deconstruction.
Plus, here's a Washington Times story further debunking the Voth "I never walked guns" mantra.

1 comment:

Dedicated_Dad said...

The AT piece is actually VERY good - an uber-leftard fringe sorta-family-member was quick to stick the "fortune" nonsense in my face the day it came out.

He did so amid a diatribe about how the state gun laws - especially AZ - were really responsible because "there's no law against buying 1000 guns today and deciding to give them to friends tomorrow."

When I pointed out that his article showed that (1) the attorney-generals who refused to prosecute the F&F cases WERE HOLDER'S PEOPLE, and (2) The ATF turned to AZ *STATE* prosecutors when Eric "My People" Holder's "Just-Us" Department refused to honor their oath and their constitutional obligations, he changed the subject in a hurry.

I'm still pretty much convinced that - in the long run - this will all amount to nothing, as (1) the MSM simply WILL NOT do their jobs here and (2) O'Vomit will issue a blanket pardon for everyone involved (except the whistleblowers, natch!) making prosecution of the criminals impossible.

Don't get me wrong - I still vehemently support the investigation, and hope that those responsible will continue to push for the truth, if all they accomplish is to publicize the truth that will be better than letting the cover-up win out!!