Monday, July 9, 2012

Waiting for Godot's Understudy. Meet the new man in charge of the whitewash.

Vladimir and Estragon await the OIG report.
Justice's New Watchdog Meets Fast And Furious.
In an interview with NPR, Horowitz says he prizes one value above all others.
"That we come out with a report that is fair, that is focused on the facts, that ignores whatever the issues have been out there in terms of claims or counterclaims," he says. "We've got the evidence in front of us, we've got the documents, we've got the interviews that we have done and we're going to need to report on those fairly, fully and completely."
His report could come out by the end of summer, if all goes according to schedule.
Meet the new Godot, Michael Horowitz. Likely same as the old Godot.


Mt Top Patriot said...

It's all Waco rules, all the time, with everything. Waco rules have permeated the entire federal government. It is the ipso facto modus operendi.
Without Waco rules these crooks traitors and tyrants could never get away with the terrible things they are doing to folks and this nation.

Murdering all those people in Waco, well it was just that, murder. It was murder incorporated federal style after that. I don't care what anyone says, when you murder, that is kill in cold blood, another human being, you have lost everything that makes you decent. How a trusted official, sitting in the chair of highest law enforcement officer of the land, involved in all those deaths in Waco, maybe even Oklahoma City, be expected to come clean. How can the man who put him in that position be accountable?
It's waco rules. There is no turning back for all involved. The murders resulting from project Gunwalker is old hat for the people. These are some really crazy fucked up individuals. I'm saying sick in the head. On a level reserved for the psychopaths they lock up in a level III non contact super max prison.

But they are not. They are running this country.

And if they are not stopped, things like Absolved and rule of law ain't going to be worth nothing but to wipe ones ass with living in a third world dictatorship formally known as The USofA.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! He sounds like he's gonna change.. Absolutely nothing!

A breath of fresh.. Nothingness.

But he talks the lingo doesn't he?

Their lingo.

Longbow said...

Quote, "That we come out with a report that is fair..."

You mean as opposed to being objective?

Yeah, balance some of the truth with a handful of lies, that will be "fair".

SWIFT said...

His final report will be taken right out of the pages of Fortune magazine. But, it does not matter. War is coming and the same evil government SOB's prepping now, will start it .

rdf67 said...

Perhaps Mr. Horowitz needs an avalanche of questions from the public regarding his investigation. Using his own words, it would be quite easy to compose them with depth that will certainly be avoided without them. I knew we were in for a long slog when Holder claimed the plan had good intentions. The MSM picked up the Tracy Schmaler obstruction "ATF sting gone awry" and "targeted cartel leaders" and "ATF botched the trace". The report should provide detail that explains how, for example, there was a trace when there was no trace; and how there was a sting when there was no sting; and how the ATF by themselves are described as responsible when all along, the DOJ was the driving force. The report should explain why there is not enough evidence to arrest a cash buyer who buys 25 rifles "for personal use" on multiple occasions (Uriel Patino) but show up at crime scenes in Mexico for a year before the arrest is finally made. The "tricky case" memo should be fully explained, complete with the decision to wait until 2011 for the Avila 20 indictment. We should know why Burke was informing Wilkinson, who claimed he informed the AG, of a BP Agent's shooting and then death the night of the murder. It should explain the role of Janet Napolitano from 2008 through 2010. It should explain where the plan came from, who devised it, and who implemented it. How was it funded? How much was spent? How many guns were to walk before it would end, as suggested by the Czar who apparently was not in the loop. And the biggest one of all, "Who was in the loop at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end?" Sharpen your pencils and let the questions fly - it will delay the report - but at least he will be on notice that there are followers of the Terry family who will not be satisfied with a white wash. That may be the best question of all, "Is the IG report going to be a white wash?"

rdf67 said...

I forgot one question that has to be answered in the report - What in the world does Wide Receiver and George Bush have to do with Fast and Furious?

Anonymous said...

Any relation to F&F PR hack Sari Horowitz at the Washington Post?

Anonymous said...

Do you suppose that guy suffers from acromegaly? Or does he just have a swelled head?