Sunday, August 18, 2013

From Moral Majority to 'Prophetic Minority'

The new leader of the Southern Baptist political arm says Christians have lost the culture and need to act accordingly.


WarriorClass III said...

The churches, especially the Southern Baptist Convention, have lost its moral authority much like the Supreme Court which cites prior case law rather than the Constitution, since its theology comes from other theologians (usually very bad ones) rather than the Scripture Itself. And unlike the prophets of God, they do not confront the evils of the day, and especially not the evil leaders since they are all 501c3 government licensed religions.

The part about illegal "immigrants" was laughable. The people of Israel were at least able to distinguish between "the sojourner and alien among us" and an invading horde; something that eludes the SBC, the RCC and every other mainline "Christian" church.

Prophetic Minority? Hardly; Pathetic Laodiceans is more like it. And they wonder why people are leaving in droves.

Skippy the Scoutboy said...

Warrior Class: Now, now, be nice; why, several of them are sponsoring our Scout Pride festival by buying our pink leotards and our rainbow shorts and hats! Don't be a hater, let's all just love and live and be ga...uhh... happy.

Anonymous said...

Baptist Churches are autonomous. They are too broad in their makeup to categorize with broad brush strokes. I have known liberal churches and others that are much more fundamental in their approach to culture. I don't disagree that there is a lot of lukewarmness out there though. Peace.
--Dale Smith

Anonymous said...

Christendom is dead. If it were still alive, the gay marriage debate wouldn't have left the churches. It would have been laughed out of court as not being a matter for the government to decide.

The sooner we accept that is dead and gone (At least until we rebuild it in another thousand years or so...), the better.

We are now back to the way things were (and really should be I think...) in Ancient Rome. We are tiny little bands of believers surrounded by non-believing pagans.

Those who are Christian today, have to be True Believers by necessity, and act accordingly.

With being Christian: If you're not in the minority, and being persecuted, you're doing something wrong.